Your Life Purpose: Discernment

The song is a prayer for God to be the gardener of our heart and soul, and to remove anything that hinders our growth and fruitfulness. The song acknowledges God’s timing and wisdom in every season of our life, and expresses our trust and surrender to His will. The song also celebrates God’s presence and power in us, and His ability to make all things beautiful and new.
This song beautifully captures the significance of following one's heart as a guiding force, reminiscent of the Holy Spirit's influence in our lives. Through its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melody, the song encourages us to trust our inner voice, allowing it to lead us towards our true purpose and desires. It serves as a reminder of the profound importance of embracing our intuition and following the path that is in alignment with the miracle. ultimately leading us to a life filled with fulfillment, authenticity, and divine guidance.
With hauntingly beautiful melodies and heartfelt lyrics, the song explores the journey of navigating life's challenges and finding solace in the narrow path that leads to truth and freedom. Gretzinger's soulful vocals convey a sense of vulnerability and longing, inviting listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journey and embrace the transformative power of surrender and trust. "The Narrow Way" serves as a gentle reminder that even in the midst of uncertainty, there is hope and grace to be found when we choose to walk the narrow road of faith.
This poignant song that beautifully captures the essence of choosing to embrace love in its purest form. The song conveys a powerful message about consciously focusing on the loving thoughts and recognizing the profound love that surrounds us in our relationships. Through its heartfelt lyrics and Ronstadt's mesmerizing vocals, "Love is a Rose" serves as a gentle reminder to cherish and nurture love, inspiring listeners to see the beauty in every aspect of life.
What a great reminder that playing games never leads to happiness. It is a beautiful reflection on what can be questioned and released because it is false.
This is one of my favorites because it's such a strong loving voice for when you are going through a difficult time. It is filled with such compassion and kindness.
I love the electronic beat and the lyrics of this song. "All I need is a peace of this mind I can celebrate All in all there's something to give."
This song has such a beautiful message to just drop all the heavy baggage as it doesn't serve. It reminds how when things feel heavy in relationship it's a clue it's not real.