- Find the song you want to share on Youtube. We suggest you open Youtube in a new tab so you can go back and forth between this page and Youtube.
- Copy the title of the song and paste it here in Song Title field (this avoids spelling mistakes)
- Add the Artist/Performers names (can be a group or one or more individuals)
- Youtube Link Under the video on the Youtube page click the “share” button. Copy the link.
- Back here Paste the copied link into the field “Enter URL”. You should now see the video on this page.
- Summary is a short introduction to your review that will help viewers choose to click on the song. Keep it short and authentic. It could be a line in the song that speaks to you or how you feel.
- Song Review is your sharing about your experience with the song, the spiritual lesson or experience, how it relates to ACIM, etc. etc.
All content is reviewed before posting live. Please note your review may be modified prior to publishing. If you no longer want to be associated to the review you can simply contact us.