Your Life Purpose: Dare to Take Step

The song is a celebration of living in the present moment, free from the worries and fears that come from the unconscious mind. The song invites us to trust in the guidance of God and to embrace the freedom and joy that God offers us.
This is a testimony to the profound transformative power of relationships for healing. By deciding to bring the ship into the shore and discard the oars forever, the singer embraces vulnerability and surrender. This surrender to love demonstrates the potential of relationships to bring solace, renewal, and the ability to heal emotional wounds.
We are all looking for our "home"—our Identity in God. Yet, until we "learn to buy" (make a firm commitment to) the Holy Spirit's purpose of forgiveness, we will experience a "life for rent" (i.e. the shifting emotions and perceptions of a split mind).
We’re not here to understand anything in this world; We’re here to say ‘Yes!’ to the Holy Spirit’s Plan for our Awakening!
Sing this one to Jesus/The Holy Spirit!
When we evaluate the ego's thought system soberly, we see that it is sorely lacking. We have "dined on ashes" and now it's time to "stand up and face the bright light".
Enjoy this uplifting song about the Awakening journey. Jump in the river and let the Good Lord sail your vessel!
Blessed by the purpose we share Minds that would come awake leaving the world we made