Welcome to Music Lovers Guide to Enlightenment

Find & Share Music to Help the Healing of the Mind



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“Say to the Holy Spirit only, ‘Decide for me,’ and it is done.”  T-14.III.16:1




“Holy” by Justin Bieber (ft. Chance the Rapper) celebrates the uplifting power of faith and love. The song explores how spiritual connections provide strength, guidance, and a sense of sanctity in life’s journey. Its lyrics underscore the idea that true holiness is found in genuine, holy relationships.

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Right Here Right Now

“Right Here, Right Now” by Jesus Jones emphasizes being fully present and appreciating the moment. This theme aligns with the “A Course in Miracles” lesson “Let all things be exactly as they are,” encouraging acceptance and peace by embracing reality without trying to change it. Both the song and the lesson remind us that true happiness comes from living in the present moment.

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Give Love

“Give Love” is like a vibrant heartbeat in song form, reminding us of the power of unconditional love. The catchy lyrics reminds us that when we turn inward towards our heart, we will discover an endless wellspring of love, ready to spill over and brighten and enlighten the world around us, one act of kindness at a time. 💓

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Nature of Love

This song is beautifully clear and uncompromisingly heartfelt. It reaches deep into the heart and resonates deeply. If it has found you then the wisest thing to do is simply to be still, listen and follow.

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These are songs that inspire brotherhood and deep devotion, and can be enjoyed repeatedly. These are helpful awakening songs that inspire and bless. We also use the term “classic” to denote songs that address a particular topic, such as unworthiness, in a deep or thorough way.


Describes a song that deals with the fundamental nature of reality beyond the world and the world of bodies. Accurate metaphysics give a framework or reference point so that we can start to differentiate between the real and the unreal.


Describes a song that is used to flush up negative emotions so that limiting beliefs in the mind can be uncovered and healed using the mind tools. Some of the songs identified as a mind-watcher on the site will also include the specific emotions, blocks or issues that will likely be aroused by the song.


Songs about those who clearly demonstrate one of more of the following characteristics: trust, honesty, tolerance, gentleness, joy, defenselessness, generosity, patience, faithfulness and open-mindedness


