I’m Your Captain

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Album: Closer to Home
Genre: Folk, Rock
Life Purpose: Guidance I Prayer
This song delves into themes of existential questioning and personal transformation. The song's powerful lyrics and emotive melody invite listeners to reflect on the journey of the soul, seeking guidance and purpose amidst life's uncertainties. This is what Mark Farner the song writer and lead singer had to say about it, "Initially the song came to me after I said my prayers one night and I put a P.S. on the end of my prayers. I asked God to give me a song that would touch the hearts of people that the Creator wanted to get to. I got up at 3 o'clock in the morning - I'm always getting up at different times of the night and writing things down. A lot of them are not songs but this happened to be one."


Everybody, listen to me
And return me my ship
I'm your captain, I'm your captain
Though I'm feeling mighty sick

I've been lost now, days uncounted
And it's months since I've seen home
Can you hear me, can you hear me
Or am I all alone

If you return me to my home port
I will kiss you, Mother Earth
Take me back now, take me back now
To the port of my birth

Am I in my cabin dreaming
Or are you really scheming
To take my ship away from me?
You'd better think about it

I just can't live without it
So, please don't take my ship from me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I can feel the hand of a stranger

And it's tightening around my throat
Heaven help me, heaven help me
Take this stranger from my boat
I'm your captain, I'm your captain

Though I'm feeling mighty sick
Everybody, listen to me
And return me my ship

I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
I'm getting closer to my home
