Be Here Now

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Songwriter: George Harrison
Album: Living in the Material World
Life Purpose: Devotion I Trust I Wake-Up Call
I See Only the Past ACIM Lesson 7

ACIM Lesson 7

I see only the past.

1. This idea is particularly difficult to believe at first. Yet it is the rationale for all of the preceding ones.

It is the reason why nothing that you see means anything.
It is the reason why you have given everything you see all the meaning that it has for you.
It is the reason why you do not understand anything you see.
It is the reason why your thoughts do not mean anything, and why they are like the things you see.
It is the reason why you are never upset for the reason you think.
It is the reason why you are upset because you see something that is not there.


Remember, Now, Be Here Now
As it's not like it was before.
The past, was, Be Here Now
As it's not like it was before – it was
Why try to live a life,
That isn't real,
No how
A mind, that wants to wander,
'Round a corner,
Is an un-wise mind
Now, Is, Be Here Now
And it's not what it was before,
Remember, Now, Be Here Now
As it's not like it was before – it was
