I Want The Peace of God

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Artist: Neda Boin
Songwriter: Neda Boin
Album: The Light Has Come
"I want the peace of God."

A Course in Miracles Quotes:

What is the Peace of God?

It has been said that there is a kind of peace that is not of this world. How is it recognized? How is it found? And being found, how can it be retained? Let us consider each of these questions separately, for each reflects a different step along the way.

First, how can the peace of God be recognized? God's peace is recognized at first by just one thing; in every way it is totally unlike all previous experiences. It calls to mind nothing that went before. It brings with it no past associations. It is a new thing entirely. There is a contrast, yes, between this thing and all the past. But strangely, it is not a contrast of true differences. The past just slips away, and in its place is everlasting quiet. Only that. The contrast first perceived has merely gone. Quiet has reached to cover everything.

How is this quiet found? No one can fail to find it who but seeks out its conditions. God's peace can never come where anger is, for anger must deny that peace exists. Who sees anger as justified in any way or any circumstance proclaims that peace is meaningless, and must believe that it cannot exist. In this condition, peace cannot be found. Therefore, forgiveness is the necessary condition for finding the peace of God. More than this, given forgiveness there must be peace. For what except attack will lead to war? And what but peace is opposite to war? Here the initial contrast stands out clear and apparent. Yet when peace is found, the war is meaningless. And it is conflict now that is perceived as nonexistent and unreal.  (M-20.1-3.)

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Emotions: Joy I Love
Life Purpose: Faith I Free Will I Prayer I Purpose I Trust
The Course in Miracles lesson 'I want the Peace of God' instills the powerful and inspiring idea that true fulfillment comes from seeking the profound peace and divine serenity that only God can provide. Embracing this concept opens the heart to a transformative journey of inner harmony and spiritual growth, guiding one towards a life filled with boundless love and tranquility.


To mean you want the Peace of God
Is to renounce all dreams
For no one means these words who wants illusions.
There would be no further sorrow possible for you in any form, in any place or time

The Peace of God is yours
for it was given by him
No one who truly seeks can fail to find it
For that is all he wants

And that is all he will receive
Many have said these words
But few have meant them

I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God

No one can mean these words and not be healed
He cannot play with dreams nor think himself a dream
He cannot make a hell and think it real
He wants the Peace of God
And it’s given him

The Peace of God is yours
for it was given by him
No one who truly seeks can fail to find it
For that is all he wants

And that is all he will receive
Many have said these words
But few have meant them

I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God

I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
I want the Peace of God
